We have been making outdoor gear for 130 years and we are proud to offer spare parts for current inline products as well as selected older models.
STRAIGHT (730800)
Works with lanterns with a straight, pointy, rocket-like. burners. This mantle has a larger hole that goes over the burner and down to its base, and a smaller hole that just centers the mantle on the tip of the burner. Fits: Mimer, Micron, Easy Light & Tor Jr.
We are convinced that it’s better to repair than replace. In fact, we encourage you and your Primus gear to enjoy a life-long partnership, and we are here to help you.
As time passes certain parts wear down, a jet nipple gets lost on a camping trip, a screw unscrews, or lantern glass breaks. That’s when it’s good to know that you can extend the life of your gear with the variety of spare parts available for you.
Primus Lantern Mantle Replacements – Pack of 3
34 د.إ
Brand | |
Features |
Pack of 3 |
Weight |
100 g |
Country of Origin |
Sweden |
2 in stock
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Category: Accessories & Spare Parts
Tags: #Primus, accessories, accessory, Lantern, mantle, mantle replacements
Brand: Primus
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